
My name is Srishti, and I'm in my second year of a Bachelor of Law (Honours)/Bachelor of Criminology at La Trobe University. As part of my university degree, I completed a student placement at Court Network. I have also been volunteering as a Telephone Service Networker since early 2021. I have always found the justice sector quite intriguing and fascinating in the way it operates and how our society responds to it. I have a desire to make a difference in the community by supporting people who have been affected by crime. My perseverance is for equal and easy access to the justice system for all and addressing the miscarriages of justice such as ‘Power over Freedom’.

During my placement, I helped coordinate the ‘Information Sheet’ project for Telephone Service Networkers. The info sheets are applicable to certain jurisdictions and contain information, relevant support services, and referrals for court users. While working on this project, I conducted my own research, shadowed in-court Networkers, spoke to other support staff available at court, and looked at information already available for court users. This helped me identify the information most relevant for court users.

The placement itself was such a great experience as it gave me the opportunity to put academic theory into practice by doing practical work at Court Network. I was involved in meetings, assisted with ideas of service provision, and learned about excellent work culture. I feel honoured to have done my student placement with Court Network. The placement assisted me with learning more about empowerment, access to justice, and how anyone who comes to court is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.

~ Telephone/Online Networker Srishti